Published On: 5 Oct, 2021

I was recently talking to a business owner that thought that email marketing is not effective. They based that belief on their reaction to dealing with a full inbox of emails guessing that anyone they know would feel put off by emails from them as well. That is a valid point but it’s also beside the point. I will certainly open emails from people who I know offer valuable information. Even if I don’t get to read it right away I at least know that they care enough to keep me in the loop. Any emails I no longer find helpful or valuable I unsubscribe to. Or I simply delete them unread. (There are ways around that behavior as in resends to those that didn’t open emails.) But the point I made was that if you offer good value in your emails then they will be opened and read. If not right away then after a short while.


Keep communication lines open

The communication lines will stay open as long as your emails not unsubscribed to. Even if some campaigns suffer a few unsubscribes it doesn’t mean you didn’t offer value. It happened to me once. A close friend unsubscribed to my newsletter. After feeling hurt a while I figured out that it was a business-related communication and to her, our relationship was all about friendship. I finally asked her about it and she confirmed that interpretation. Plus when I unsubscribe it’s usually just to cull the overall number of emails I receive more than the content I had been receiving. So, don’t let your fear of bothering people prevent you from getting your news out there. People really do want to hear it!

For a limited time get a discount when you have us manage your email marketing. Contact Pat Creedon to learn more.

About the Author: Patricia

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